Sunday, January 13, 2013

Binky's Christmas,

I know, I know, it's wayyyyy past christmas. I've just been really busy. So after a long night of wrapping gift after gift and a sleepless night, due to excitement completely, it was time to get up!! We had a fun filled day planned, visiting Chandler's Nana and Auntie in Va and then seeing his other Nana, my mom, and my sister and her kids. I got up to shower and such our nephew had slept over and he was up before me of course. After I got out of the shower I had to WAKE the hubs and Binky up!! Those sleepy heads didn't want to get up!!!

After they woke up it was time to rip into presents! It was awesome! He loved everything and wanted to play with everything. This little 8 month old baby got more than he really needed. Santa totally hooked him up. His nana's and auntie's and his grandpa got him so much.

We also baked cookies for Santa and left reindeer food for his reindeer. It was an amazing holiday that I am so excited to share with Binky each year.

In other news, our little man is growing entirely too much. It won't be long til he can walk. He's already talking so much. too! And the kid knows what no means. Which is dangerous. He got his first real serious No recently. I had a magazine on top of my computer, he decided to climb up my computer and grab it. He then ripped the cover. I smacked his little hand and told him very firmly "NO!" he made this horrible face and repeated his ripping, I again smacked his little hand and told him "NO!" boy did I break his heart. Tears and all he was just devastated. Since then, he will now tell you no. Oh boy, the no stage.

How did you guys deal with no?

Look at all these presents mom, did you know that Santa knew just what I wanted?!

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