Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Getting that "real" job.

In life growing up we're all faced with the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It's a question I can remember hearing from head start til high school. I remember going thru several different decisions during my school career. I didn't become any of those things. When I was 16 I started waiting tables at a small chinese restaurant in the small little town I lived. I was pretty good at it, and I made decent money. After that I had several different jobs, and each time while I "deciding" what I wanted to be as I grew up, I went back to serving. So for almost 15 years now that's all I've done.

Often I hear the phrase, "when you get a real job" or a "real career" when referring to what it is I do. And more than anything that phrase angers me. I don't get paid in monopoly money people. This "job" pays my bills. This job allows me the time off I need in the day time to do all the therapy appointments, and be available for my kids field trips, and to go eat lunch with them. Or if they are sick I can pick them up. The only thing it doesn't allow me is the bed time stories, dinner time and homework.

But with every career there is some aspect of your life that suffers. That's why I don't like the mentality that ANY job isn't a "REAL" job. We all work, we all do what we have to do in order to support our family. We all find what works for our family.

Judging others by their career when you don't know their circumstances is just cruel. And women are the worst for it. As woman and mothers we need to life one another up. We've been suppressed for so long and looked down upon just for our gender that the last thing we need is to put each other down.

Next time before you judge, or even speak, think about what you're about to say. Is it positive? Is it necessary? Is it complimentary? Is it degrading?

If the answer to any of those questions ꜛ is yes, do't say it!

Getting that "real" job.

In life growing up we're all faced with the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It's a question I ca...