Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The war on sleep contiues.

Oh my Binky. He's on a whole new level with his sleeping now. Not only does he get up more in the night, he refuses to nap during the day. Today we literally just let him wear himself out. We put the little guy in his jumperoo and let him jump it out. He finally fell asleep in the jumperoo.

I just don't know what to do with him. I've never dealt with a child who refuses a nap, my nephew used to put himself to sleep, and at bed time, it was just time to sleep. I'm not one of these strong mom's who can let their child cry it out. He cries we get him. And just let him wear himself out. We just do the best we can. We're the parents that let our kid sleep with us, don't let him 'cry it out', or only feed him baby food. This kid gets table food.

I don't know how much longer he can continue to fight it, forever? It feels that way right now. The worst part is that when he's fighting a nap, he's so grumpy. He doesn't want ANYTHING. To play, to be held, to be put down. He just wants to cry. My heart hurts for this little angel. But I don't know what else to do. Any of you mom's have any suggestions?

He just doesn't want to sleep anywhere else but right here.

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