Monday, November 12, 2012

The house of runny noses, coughs, and head aches.

Here in the house of Amburgey we are all sick. Head colds all around. And sadly it started with Binky. The poor little guy woke up grumpy, feverish and full of snot. He only seemed to feel at his worst on the first day. Then the hubs woke up with it. He felt bad his first day, and binky was feeling a lot better. Then yesterday over night I woke up with a stuffy nose, sore throat, and the worst headache!

Being sick as a mom I don't get to lay around and just be sick, nope there's still a 7 month old to entertain, change, and feed. Luckily he can feed himself, a bottle any ways. And as of today a few snacks!! So aside from all the sickness going around here Binky has discovered how to self feed! Not the best of course but he's learning, and quickly I might add.

He's also discovered that yelling MA MA MA MA MA MA at me will get me to pick him up, sooooo..when he's done playing with a certain toy he'll scream until I get him up. What happened to that sweet baby who never cried or screamed. It's like he's developed stronger and bigger lungs over night. Maybe it's because I'm sick, but I just don't know..I think he's learning that screaming will get him something..which isn't good. He's getting too smart for his own good. And I'm afraid I have a baby genius on my hands. 

yep, in 2.5 seconds I'm going to scream at you and throw this sippy cup at you.

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